Thursday, November 12, 2009

Am I the one who I should be..?

Desires are endless so to say. And yet, some (freaked out!) souls do manage to find the greatest wealth of all. The wealth of self-satisfaction is something not much discussed or debated about in the modern competitive and recession prone world. As per the corporate criteria, if one is satisfied with what one does, his or her career is finished. The desire for improvement is practically non-existent, if one were to look at it with a TQM perspective. Also, constant betterment of the existing processes would come to a standstill, hence stagnating the socio-economic growth. To sum it all up, if you are satisfied with what you are doing currently, you are actually contributing to stagnation of overall growth and progress by not attempting to go to a higher plane. That is what the above logic sums things up to be.

But wait a minute.

Its not just about the career, its one's perception of one's own self which assumes far greater significance than any other aspect of life. How we perceive our present physical stature itselves has multiple implications. For instance, thanks to the modern icons of cinema in Hollywood as well as Bollywood, having a well chiselled physique, especially the abdomen, is a fab thing not just for males, but also female artists. Most women and men would desire a specific type of physical appearance. However, very few wise souls amongst females, seek core fitness which is not always a very visible trait, until proven when challenged (I have someone to thank on that, I hope the person has taken a note of the same.). So although someone may appear to be super fit, the core strength, stamina and immunity may actually be missing.

For instance, Saif Ali Khan Pataudi (paramour de Kareena Kapoor), although boasting of a 6-pack, was hospitalised for the third time due to intestinal infection, resulting from a weak digestive system. And then you have Saroj Khan and Farah Khan, who, although slightly obese in appearance, make the whole Bollywood dance to their tunes. The irony is, most people would still not know who they are, but do appreciate the work they do.

So while the world focussed way too much on packaging the product, the core functionality was lost somewhere down the line. What looks good, is an instant seller, until someone begins to voice the lacunae in the given object, service or a person. That's when the eye opening act happens and a wave of criticism is unleashed upon the 'good looking' thing.

And when they say for women, Bollywood again, as beauty decays with age, actresses grow old and fade away, except a selected few. However, male actors continue to be featured in multiple roles as time passes by. Physical beauty is something most women would aspire for, knowing it is not forever that one retains it. Some would like to compete with men, in every male dominated arena as if men were their sole competitors on the planet and the world would be so much better without men. (No...not endorsing lesbians...!)

Now someone is likely to ask, what has the concept of self worth got to do with all the arbitrary fact finding. I guess, everything. There is something that one aspires to be, but isnt. Some strive for it and a few succeed in getting there. Most arent willing to make the sacrifice for the same. However, one can always dream being what one wants to be.

The catch lies not in looking outside by benchmarking through other's opinion. The greatest guidance one receives about every aspect of one's life comes from within and not from an outside source, parents and lovers inclusive. Sometimes, mere visualisation brings the impossible dreams to life. And then if one carries the unfinished business from last life, things become even crystal clear. Not to mention, Extra sensory perception (ESP) is one such area of concern. But they all boil down to the same theory.
We all are here for a purpose and discovery of that purpose begins that road to self discovery. Knowing one's objective for being here on this jungle land is where this road begins. And it takes you through a path never travelled before, because each one has to build one's own unique path and chase the light to the end of the tunnel.
How we define and refine ourselves is a mathematical function of where we want to be at the end of our present life (provided its one's frame of reference). Some may accuse you of being a rebel, but anything unconventional will be challenged. The key is to find one's true self not in the heroes and legends but conceive the person who you see yourself becoming when you have fulfilled your most cherished dream in your mind's eye.
Find that person within .
(I guess....I just found Him a few seconds ago..)

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